The Cookies
Packaging ArtIt seems strange to see such a rigorous box for such irregular biscuits, which apparently get confused. A character that recalls that of authoritarian propaganda plays with a fanatical and parochial phrase: "here we only speak Tuscan". A small short circuit, if you consider that the Tuscan dialect does not exist. Inside there are our delicious biscuits and you never know what flavor you will...
Packaging ArtIt seems strange to see such a rigorous box for such irregular biscuits, which apparently get confused. A character that recalls that of authoritarian propaganda plays with a fanatical and parochial phrase: "here...

Packaging Art
It seems strange to see such a rigorous box for such irregular biscuits, which apparently get confused. A character that recalls that of authoritarian propaganda plays with a fanatical and parochial phrase: "here we only speak Tuscan". A small short circuit, if you consider that the Tuscan dialect does not exist. Inside there are our delicious biscuits and you never know what flavor you will get, because in the box they are mixed: special flours, honey with a hint of rose, pepper with a citrus flavor and much more. They are not limited to a unique taste and you can only discover this by tasting them. After all, how beautiful is it to all be different? Also to remind propaganda that power, any power, does not last long. As much as a box of biscuits.

Eggs by Paolo Parisi
The ingredients of the egg recipe are: sacrifice, objectivity, creativity, good taste, will and a pinch of madness. White Livornese hens, less yield, more difficult to raise, natural diet, life of the laying hens outdoors as for those of the farmer: space, light, sun, wind, rain, heat, cold.
And then the thing that makes this egg truly unique: a large dose of freshly milked goat's milk in the diet.

Content Art

  • “Here we only speak Tuscan”


  • Egg characteristics: tastier, clean and intense taste. It is lighter, contains more unsaturated fats and less water;
    Same recipe available in three different shapes to obtain three different taste notes;
    Special flours, honey with a hint of rose, liqueur and citrus pepper: a perfect balance between sweetness and spicy notes.

Lorem ipsum
Packaging: 300g per box
Weight: 00 kg
Code: ABCD1234

Dimensions: 00 x 00 x 00 cm
Weight: 00 kg

6 boxes
Dimensions: 00 x 00 x 00 cm
Weight: 00 kg

In the occasion of Artissima, the most international Italian art fair, OFF Giannoni & Santoni presents the most domestic project possible: a series of dazzling and quirky hen coops envisioned by Vedovamazzei and developed in collaboration with the world’s most “philosophical” egg producer, Paolo Parisi. There are twenty of them, and each one is a unique, handmade and unrepeatable piece of art. The hallmark of our...
In the occasion of Artissima, the most international Italian art fair, OFF Giannoni & Santoni presents the most domestic project possible: a series of dazzling and quirky hen coops envisioned by Vedovamazzei and developed...

In the occasion of Artissima, the most international Italian art fair, OFF Giannoni & Santoni presents the most domestic project possible: a series of dazzling and quirky hen coops envisioned by Vedovamazzei and developed in collaboration with the world’s most “philosophical” egg producer, Paolo Parisi. There are twenty of them, and each one is a unique, handmade and unrepeatable piece of art. The hallmark of our chicken coops is the same as Vedovamazzei’s: irony. But it's a cultured, sophisticated irony, not just for the sake of it (sometimes, even melancholic). Each work sends significant messages from its very form, designed by Vedovamazzei to resemble a modern appliance, suggesting that, just like a fridge or a dishwasher, each of us should have a hen coop at home, whether on the terrace or in the backyard, in order to have fresh eggs every morning. In a world where intensive farming is rampant, we wanted to create the ideal living environment for hens, a sort of luxury villa. The key feature of a good hen coop is to let the hens feel secure, which is why they are all closable: this extraordinary and complex animal needs to be indoors at night to feel protected, just like us. So, enjoy yourself; you can decide whether to walk among the hens or choose to observe them from the outside, but is important to do it with respect and without disturbing them. And don’t ask yourself what they are because it can’t be said whether they are hen coops becoming pieces of art or pieces of art becoming hen coops. It’s like asking: which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The Hen Coops
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